Kia Ora from NEW ZEALAND, God’s Own Country is Sweet As NZ: The most life-changing and amazing week of my life
New Zealand in a Nutshell: Two Girls and a Toyota, Kiwi Life, Land of the Long White
Cloud, Leap of Faith, Glaciers, Shining Stars, The Nicest People, Glowworms,
Cruising the Sound, Risky Business, Gardens, Waterfalls, Road trip Stops, Mid-Semester
Break, Every Ecosystem Possible, Chasing Rainbows, The Bluest Water, Dolphins,
Kea, Fur Seals, Flora & Fauna
WOW! This week has been the best time of my life. It is overwhelming
how much awesomeness was crammed into 6 days exploring the south island of New
Zealand. It is officially my favorite place on the entire planet. I want to go
back and explore the North Island as well as see Punakaiki and climb Mt. Cook.
I also want to spend more time in Queenstown and at the island in general, but
this was a great taste of the awesomeness that is New Zealand.
I left March 29th at 7 p.m. and arrived at
Christchurch with a few delays at about 1 a.m. I was so proud of myself for
navigating my way around the airport as it was my first time flying by myself. I
called my worrisome parents to let them know was on my way. It really wasn't even
that hard to get my boarding pass and go through security. I even arrived early
and got a seat with extra leg space, major win! From the airport I was off to
meet up with my host in Christchurch for the night. I knocked on the door, but
to no avail. I then went next door to see if it was actually that house. A very
tall man answered the door and told me that it was indeed the house that I was
knocking on. He said I could sleep on their couch for the night and that it was
no problem at all. He went off to work at the airport and I was amazed by the
hospitality of the first New Zealander I met. I woke up to his wife, Kathy in a blurry haze as I hadn't yet put on my glasses. She
offered me breakfast and was so sweet. She was a chef and brought out some
yummy hot chocolate and toast with a blood orange for me as well as her own
homemade cookies because she said I had to try them, they still weren't as good
as my mom’s but they were yummy. I
chatted with her and her daughter, Georgia, about what exactly there was to do
in Christchurch. I asked about their culture and she responded with, “We are
just people.” They joked around as
though they were best friends and Kathy called Georgia “twerp”. I loved being
able to observe the culture of families in New Zealand. I decided to go to Hagley Park and the
Christchurch Botanic Gardens to experience “The Garden City” of Christchurch.
They offered me a ride to the Riccarton Markets, a cute little market where
there were fresh fruits, vegetables, baked goods, and children selling their food
creations to passerby with a smile. There was a little walk that took about 10
minutes behind the market that we did. Kathy and Georgia held hands and entwined
their pinkies as they walked together. I heard birds chirping and saw the
beautiful flora. After a sad goodbye to the nicest, cutest family ever, it was
off to Hagley.
Hagley is a huge, green park that is the center of life in
Christchurch. It is only beaten in size by Central Park in New York. I walked
past runners and under shady trees to the Botanic Gardens in the center of the
park. The gardens were filled with flowers and trees, so much beauty to take
in. Then I went to the Canterbury Museum in the corner of the gardens. I
learned a bit more about New Zealand's history and culture. Then it was time for
lunch. I walked past this quaint cottage called “The Curator’s House”. I walked
through the cute vegetable garden by the cottage and plucked an apple of the
tree for a snack. It was the best apple ever! I decided to stop in for some of
their fresh vegetables that they made out of the garden. They were the best
vegetables I have ever had in my life, no exaggeration. I also had some
ciabatta bread and tapenade with olives. Then I kept exploring the gardens. I
ran into the world peace bell. It is a symbol of world peace as metals from countries
all over the world were mixed to form the bell. I reached my hand inside to
hear its glorious ring. I sat by a lake in the garden among piles of acorns
and relaxed. After 7 hours of walking,
it was time to meet up with my host, Louis.
It turned out that he thought I was arriving the next night
and that’s why he didn't hear my knocks on his door. Louis was so welcoming! I
was a bit nervous to stay there, but it turned out so well! There were 4 other
girls staying in the house, 2 were from France and 2 from Lithuania. Louis put
on a fun time in the backyard with his flatmates and we played music and danced
the night away as I waited for my friend to arrive. I asked him about his
culture as he was a Kiwi and Maori. He told me about how relaxed their culture
is, showed me native Kiwi musicians (Kora and Chefu) and taught me some Kiwi
slang. He taught me “sweet as”, a saying that means I agree". At first I thought
he was saying “sweet ass” and laughed. I showed him some American music. Later
that night, Devon arrived and we caught up. I hadn't seen her in about 4 years,
but I have known her ever since we were little and in club swim together. Then
we passed out on the couch and woke up to an offering of delicious coffee from
his flatmates. We hit the road early and went to the city center of
Christchurch to see the destruction of the earthquake that happened 2 years ago
and left the city in ruins.
There was a lovely memorial for the 185 victims of the
earthquake. White chairs of all sorts were lines up with the surrounding
rubble of the city. There was even a wheelchair, car seat, and a throne to show
the diversity and commemorate the victims more personally. There was a church
that had bricks blown to pieces and chattered glass windows. It was clearly
observable the true power of the forces of nature. Once we were finished
walking around, it was on the road again. Besides accidentally hitting a bird on
the way there, it was a great trip to the Franz Josef Glaciers. We crossed all
of New Zealand from the East to the West coast and saw our surroundings change
so dramatically throughout the journey. We stopped in Sheffield for their famous
pies and got a scrumptious vegetarian pie. There were also some precious
miniature ponies we stopped to pet. We are both animal lovers so it was a
mutual obsession for all animals we saw along the way. In fact, one of my goals
on the trip was to frolic with sheep. New Zealand is gloriously uncrowded with most of the population in the North Island. It is 4 million people and
70 million sheep. They were everywhere along the roads we drove, some in
pastures and some on mountains. Once Devon got tired of driving, it was time
for me to take the wheel and drive on the left side of the road. It was hard to
get used to at first because all my instincts were screaming at me to tell me I
was doing everything wrong. I eventually got used to it and now can say I
mastered the concept of driving on the left side of the road.
We ran into “Castle Hill” where “The Lion, the Witch, and the
Wardrobe” filmed a couple scenes for the movie. It was a breathtaking structure
of several rocks scattered about on a hill. We climbed up to the top for a
stunning view, frolicked in the pasture and explored the rocks along the way. We
found a dried up pool and stopped at Death’s Corner as rain sporadically decided
to surprise us along the way. He stopped in a town called Hokitika and walked
the black sand beach surrounding it. I sat on the black sand and dug my feet
deep as large bursts of sea foam came up from the sea with the tide. We had to
grab some “fush & chups” and sit by the sea for a quintessential New
Zealand experience. I spotted the skeleton of a baby shark on the sand as we walked back to
the car. Then there it was in all its glory, a rainbow. It was the perfect
ending to our Easter day as we saw a cross on the beach as well. After filling up on petrol (gas), we left to
continue our journey as we drove into the sunset along green pastures of sheep.
It was the first beautiful sunset I had seen in awhile as I was finally on the west coast. We drove through mountains into the darkness and finally arrived in
Franz Josef at 8:30. We discovered that we missed our check in time by 30
minutes as reception was closed. We were about to freak out, but I calmed us
down and realized that there was nothing we could do about it at that point,
sleeping in the car wouldn't be too bad. We walked around the small city until
I knew it like the back of my hand. We got some wifi at Full of Beans coffee
shop and felt connected to the world for a bit. We had no functioning phone so
it was nice. We found this food cart that served a native Kiwi dish called,
Pavlova. We decided to try it out
because it was another essential cultural experience. It had some kiwi, cream and was a light and
fluffy cake. There is a battle between Kiwis and Aussies as to who invented
the lovely treat and somewhat of a rivalry between the countries. We also got
some fried bread, which was basically a pancake with some butter and syrup.
Then we went back to where we were supposed to be staying and watched some
movies on their couch in the warm living room. We ended up sleeping on their
couches because we felt we were paying to stay there anyways, so why not?
We woke up and tried to check in. We found out that we
actually were supposed to be staying in a different hostel. We put out heads
down in shame in recognition of our major fail and made our way over to Chateau Franz, the true place we were supposed to be staying. The man in reception was
very nice and decided not to charge us for the night that we didn't stay there
and we made our way to our first hostel of the trip. We had 3 other flatmates,
2 Aussie girls and one Japanese man. I tried to talk to him about his journeys,
but he didn't understand much English so we just communicated with simple words
and gestures. Now that a shower was available to me, I proceeded to take my first
shower of the trip and felt amazing afterwards. We went back to Full of Beans
for some flat whites (coffee, basically a latte) and went souvenir shopping
around the town. I bought a cute key-chain with a kiwi and a heart and a shot
glass decorated with all things Australian. I decided that they were the 2
easiest things to collect and now on all my future journeys I will gather one in each
country. Then we went to the Kiwi Wildlife Center to learn about the animal
that represented the people and culture of the country. I got to see some
precious little kiwi as they ran about foraging in the darkness of their
habitat. Then it was time to explore the glaciers!!!
I made sure in the planning of this trip that the glaciers
were on our itinerary and it was definitely an exciting day. We joined our
guide of Franz Josef Guides and made our way over in a bus. He had quite the
individualized glacier experience as we got to see a lot of things that weren't available if you didn't have a guide. We climbed up ladders through the mountains
surrounding the glacier. We got up to a point where a man who was much loved by
the New Zealand community jumped of the mountain and died. There was a lovely
rock structure to commemorate him. Then we climbed back down to get up close to
the glacier after seeing it from above. There was an ice bridge and we were
warned to not go any farther. Momentarily, I saw why. A huge ice block fell from the
bridge. The glaciers are constantly moving and changing. There was a pile of
rocks that he asked us if we wanted to climb to reach the top of the glacier and
touch the ice. I decided to do it. I stood on top of a glacier and took it all
in. Then we walked back and decided to climb a staircase into the mountains
that was 150 steps. It was a steep climb and once we reached the top it was a
winding road back out. There were some
clumsy moments as we are both not exactly the most graceful girls, but it made
it that much more memorable. After saying farewell to our fun guide, Toby, we
went back to Chateau Franz and made some frozen vegetables for dinner and went
to Picnics Bakery for some yummy baked goods to munch. Then it was off to the
glacier hot pools to relax. There were 3 hot pools: 36°C, 38°C and 40°C. We sat
in each and then made our way to the terrace walk to try to spot some
glowworms. We found a couple a little bit into the woods. They glowed with a
neon green light in the darkness. We turned around once seeing them because it
was a bit dodgy in the woods at night. That night we watched a movie and
munched on popcorn and went to sleep early because it as an early morning
We woke up and left at 5:30. I was the first driving shift of the
day and made our way through winding roads in the darkness on our way to
Queenstown. There was a waterfall that we stopped to go walk to. It was called
Thunder Falls and we both gawked at its beauty for a bit before continuing on
the road. On our way there was a massive herd of 800 sheep blocking the road. I
got way too excited and leapt out of the car. I walked and chatted with the man
who was herding the sheep and got permission to frolic with them. It was
one of the ultimate goals of the trip for me and I was happy to finally
accomplish it after seeing so many sheep behind barbed wire and fences, there
were finally some free sheep!
I had researched New Zealand and found out about a
supposedly beautiful place called Glenorchy. Despite Devon’s insistence that we
were short on time, I made sure that we woke up early enough to make it there. The
water was so beautiful and so clear. We walked out onto the water on
a dock and snapped some quick pics before moving on to Queenstown to make my bungy
I am definitely an adrenaline junky so it was essential that
I check one of my adrenaline-filled desires from my bucket list in the adventure
and adrenaline capital of the world, Queenstown. Bungy jumping was invented in
New Zealand so I decided to go for it. The Kawarau Bridge was the place of the
world’s first bungy jump. I was excited to jump 43m off this historic bridge. I
don’t know what is wrong with me, but I still wasn't scared. There was only one
moment when I was about to jump that I got butterflies in my stomach as my body
screamed at me, “What are you doing?!” The man who strapped me in counted down
to my jump and I was already ready to before he was finished. I went for it
right when he was done counting down. I soared down into a beautiful blue river and
bounced up and down in a peaceful trance. Then I grabbed a stick and was pulled
onto a boat to make my way back up to the bridge. One more leap of faith complete! I think this
was a bit scarier than skydiving for me, but they were each so different.
The endorphins flooded my bloodstream as I walked over to
reunite with Devon. We went inside to pick up my footage of the event and then
were off to sample Queenstown’s famous burger joint. Fergburger was quite the
experience. It was always so crowded with lines out the door and down the
street, but we went on an off hour so that it wasn't too bad. I order the Bambi burger to experience deer for the first time. The burger ended up being the
biggest and yummiest EVER. I can know understand why it is so famous. I was
glad that I hadn't eaten much before this meal so that I could indulge in
delectable fergburger.
We checked into our
hostel at Nomads and wandered around the streets of Queenstown. It was the
first real city we were in since the beginning of the road trip. It was kind of
overwhelming to be around so many buildings and people again after only being
surrounded my greenery, sheep, and the open road. I couldn't help but think
about what it would be like to return to Sydney, this was only 1/100th
of its size and it was still overwhelming. We then ventured to the gondolas that
would take us to the top of Queenstown. Riding the gondola up was amazing. We
saw the city fully and its surroundings of mountains and lakes. Once we were at
the top, it was time to luge! We got on these little carts and sped down
winding roads all the way down the mountain from the top of Queenstown. It was
so much fun and a great way to experience the city! Once we were done with our 2
luge rides, we went to the highest point we possibly could to take in the
skyline. It was a beautiful view as we watched the sunset turn to twilight over
the mountains.
After exploring the forest a bit, we went
back down to Queenstown for yet another foodie adventure. Food is a very
enjoyable part of experiencing a new culture and we intended to try some New
Zealand creations. There is an ice cream called “Hokey Pokey” that is popular
in New Zealand. It is basically vanilla ice cream with chunks of honeycomb. We
both got some hokey pokey from a place called “Cookie Time!” because it smelled
amazing as we walked by. It was definitely a good choice. They smashed a cookie
into the hokey pokey for an explosion of sweet goodness. After meandering the
streets a bit more and looking at more souvenir shops, we crashed hard to wake
up and road trip once more.
We woke up at about 7:30 for some free pb & js provided by the hostel (got to take advantage) and then hit the road on our way
to Te Anau. We stopped for some petrol and Devon accidentally hit the front left
car into the box leaving a bit of a dent. Thank God she got insurance! We didn't let
that small bump in the road ruin our moods and Devon took it like a champ after
a momentary freak out. We arrived at Rosie’s Backpacker hostel in Te Anau to
drop of our bags and continue on our way to Milford Sound. Rosie was the
sweetest and cutest woman ever and told us about a couple o
f stops we had to
see along the way as we bonded with her lovely black cat, Bella.
We started the lovely road to Milford Sound and stopped at
the Mirror Lakes. It was a lovely lake with amazing reflective qualities that
embodied a mirror perfectly. We kept driving until we were hungry and pulled
out our sandwiches for a swell lunch in nature as we sat on a log in the middle
of a forest. The next stop was the chasm. As we pulled in we spotted some Kea,
the world’s only alpine parrot. They have an intellect equivalent to a 6 year
old human! One welcomed us by landing on our car and I even made eye contact
with one! We walked over to the chasm to see the rock structure and waterfall
and then it was back on the road again.
After driving through a tunnel through a mountain and
Fiordland National Park, we were finally at Milford Sound just in time for our nature
cruise! This day turned out to be one of the best as we cruised this
indescribably beautiful place. We saw fur seals and dolphins swam alongside us
for quite some time. There were waterfalls coming down every which way from the
surrounding mountains and rainbows at the bottom of the waterfalls close enough
to touch. It was so surreal and the experience too perfect to believe. We got
extremely lucky with the rainbows and the dolphins and it turned out to be such
a great day. We sipped some tea and coffee as the sunshine hit our skin and the
wind caressed our hair. I didn't want to leave! Milford Sound is renowned as
New Zealand’s top travel destination and the 8th wonder of the
world. The sheer rocks and lush rainforest with waterfalls cascading down them
made the Sound undeniably a must do in New Zealand and I was so happy to be
able to experience it. The drive back led us into the darkness and once we
stepped out of the car at Rosie’s we got to see the stars in the night sky. Now
that we were out of the main cities, we could see the beautiful sparkling galaxy
overhead. We went back inside to sit by the fireplace and chat with our flat
mate about her travels. She had been traveling alone in New Zealand after
graduation for the past 3 months. I envied her freedom and all the stories she
We woke up the next day after our longest, comfiest slumber
of the trip to eat a quick breakfast and grab some of Rosie’s coffee and then
head out. Rosie’s was my favorite hostel with Chateau Franz closely behind. The
rest of the day was dedicated to making it back to Christchurch in time to give
back the rental car, check into Devon’s hostel and make my flight back to
Sydney. The road trip back wasn't short of awesome stops. There were more sheep
to frolic with on the side of the road and another large sculpture dedicated to
food. One of a large fish and one of some assorted fruits in Cromwell
. We
stopped in Twizel to fill up on petrol and get some snacks for the remainder of
the trip. I got some corn crisps, which became a main part of my diet the entire
trip and Devon got another hokey pokey. We were now set to complete the trip
back! We drove through a cute town called Geraldine with some farmers selling
berries and I wished we stopped, but we continued. We arrived at Lake Pukaki and saw another
lovely body of sparkling blue water with a magnificent shade of turquoise radiating
in the sunlight. Mt. Cook towered in the background. We snapped a picture for a
cute family from Denmark and then it wasn't long before we hit the next lake.
Lake Tekapo was a place that I had researched and I was so excited to see! I
walked down the mountain to stand on some rocks in the clear water of the lake.
It was a piece of heaven on Earth. I fell in love with the water and just
wanted to go for a swim. It was so magnificent! The rest of the drive eagles
soared over us as we drove through some more plains and arrived in Christchurch.
We decided to get some lamb for dinner. The man ended up giving Devon her meal
for free because her card wouldn't work. The people in Christchurch were all so
nice and New Zealanders so hospitable. We went back to her hostel to eat dinner
and then filled up on gas and cleaned out the car before returning to the
airport. He hung out at the airport for
a bit before having to part ways. When I said goodbye to Devon and she drove
away in her taxi I wanted to rewind time so badly.
This trip was truly remarkable in every way! I will miss the
beauty of New Zealand and the sweet Kiwi people that we encountered, but it isn't farewell forever. I am definitely returning. It is amazing what these 7 days
did to change the perspective of my life. It opened my eyes once more to all
that is out there in this world and all the opportunities I have to experience
its wonders and meet amazing people along the way while making memories. Devon
and I hadn't seen each other in 4 years and it just showed me the power of adventure in uniting people. I am so grateful to have this experience and I know I will never forget the Kiwi life I led.
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